The last time you waited for a drink at Starbucks, what did you do to pass those under-caffeinated two minutes before your name was called?
If you played a quick round of Words with Friends or Candy Crush Saga, you’re not alone.
155 million Americans play video games, or just about half of the U.S. population, according to 2015 data from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA). And in contrast to gaming stereotypes, women age 18 and older represent a significantly greater portion of gamers (33%) than boys age 18 and younger (15%), according to the ESA.
So what’s driving more women to play? In a word: mobile. The shift in form factor from console to smartphone and tablet has been game-changing in every sense of the word. With U.S. revenues projected to grow 16.5% to over $3 billion this year according to eMarketer, the mobile gaming industry is capturing a broader audience than traditional gaming alone.
Read more on Forbes.

Source: BB Wix

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