When it comes to growing your business with the world’s most powerful consumers, are you behind the curve, keeping up or leading the pack? The following six questions are a great way to kick-start your thinking, whether marketing to women is a new effort for your company or you’re building on a strong base.

  1. Do you know the gender split of your customer base? This is a simple question, but I’ve found that many organizations – even large ones – don’t know the answer. Without this data, it’s difficult to determine whether your share of the women’s market is going up or down, or to benchmark the effectiveness of new initiatives.
  2. Do you know the gender split of customer service inquiries? This is another key piece of information that’s often overlooked. If you can look at the gender split of inquiries, you may identify differences in customer feedback that can give you valuable insights for service improvement, product design and marketing messages for all your customers…

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