During the past decade, we’ve seen historically “masculine” brands and businesses — from motorcycles to hardware to beer to trucks, to name just a handful — seek growth by marketing their products and services to women. The list is long and getting longer: Harley-Davidson. Home Depot. Under Armour. Trunk Club. The Boy Scouts. And that’s…

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When it comes to growing your business with the world’s most powerful consumers, are you behind the curve, keeping up or leading the pack? The following six questions are a great way to kick-start your thinking, whether marketing to women is a new effort for your company or you’re building on a strong base. Do…

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Women participate more on major social networks – including Facebook – than men do, according to a Pew Research study of U.S. online users. Given the fact that historically, women have driven social communication among friends, neighbors, families and communities in the offline world, it’s no surprise that this behavior has transitioned online. Take a…

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“I’m sick of reading about millennials,” said my millennial colleague. I had to laugh. We all know that a minute can’t pass without an article being written about the complexities of this generation. And yes, you’re reading another one now, though in my defense (I say this with a smile) this article addresses an aspect…

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Oh, if kitchen tables could talk. They look so innocent, but of all the sales terrains that can present challenges for sales professionals, few are more laden with potential landmines than calling on a prospect in their home. On the surface, a kitchen table seems like the most cozy and comfortable place in the world…

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In fields like marketing and sales, there are those magical days when creative inspiration strikes us, and then there are those other 360 days a year we must go hunting for it. Here are four simple strategies for generating ideas and inspiration for anyone looking to grow their business with women consumers: Get out of…

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After more than a decade interviewing women about their sales experiences, I’ve heard the good, the bad and the ugly. And while there is no single, sure-fire way to make a sale, there are certain common factors that can derail one . Because women drive the majority of consumer spending with their buying power and…

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Today we’re looking at a global shift I call the “mother of all trends:” there are more women in the paid labor force than at any other time in history. If you’re in retail, this is the trend that drives just about everything else, and something you should be monitoring closely. Why? Every time a…

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Whenever I speak on the subject of marketing and selling to women — which is all the time — people are often surprised, and sometimes even shocked, when they learn how much women’s economic power has surged over the years. Women’s impact on the consumer economy ranks right alongside technology as a major factor on…

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As the CEO of the consulting and training firm, Female Factor, and author of Why She Buys, I’ve spent more than a decade studying women’s impact on the consumer marketplace. At this time of year, people ask me what they should be incorporating into their new-year planning to grow their business with women buyers. Based…

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